Villa Frisiani-Olivares-Ferrario

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Restoration of windows and doors of the Municipal headquarters, Villa Frisiani-Olivares-Ferrario

Villa Frisiani-Olivares-Ferrario is one of the elegant villas built on the edge of the ancient medieval village of Corbetta between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and was purchased by the Municipality of Corbetta in 1979 to make it the seat of the town hall. This intervention concerned exclusively the arrangement of the building’s external windows and doors and related accessory elements. The restoration of the wooden and glass windows located on the ground floor and first floor and the iron and glass windows located on the second attic floor were carried out. The railings protecting the windows on the ground floor were also maintained and painted with small additions to the missing parts and straightening of crooked bars. Similarly, the parapets of the balconies overlooking the park were painted. Finally, it was necessary to install small horizontal bars in painted iron corresponding to the windows on the second floor.