Chiesa di San Giuseppe

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Restoration of the facade's frescoes

The restoration of the facade of the church of San Giuseppe in Ligornetto was necessary in order not to lose track of what remained of the decorative apparatus. . The façade welcomes at its top the portion of a more complex representation performed in fresco by Giovanni Battista Tarilli in the 17th century. From the Annunciazione to the architrave of the entrance portal the pictorial apparatus had been reintegrated in the 19th century by Silvio Gilardi who, in addition to the Annunciazione itself had painted the Crocifissione and the Saints Rocco and Sebastiano, probably proposing the original setting of Tarilli. The very remodeled socle consisted of a rusticated painted on a concrete mortar that was the result of the many maintenance operations to which the facade, at least in its lower part, had been subjected. The intervention, after a preliminary investigations campaign, was conducted with different methodologies preserving what was painted by Tarilli and repeating what was carried out by Gilardi.